Step 1
Create the following directories in your web/windows application (within App_Code directory).
1. business
2. common
3. services
4. delegates
Step 2
Let’s presume that you are working on a Project named “sample” and you have decided to use Business-Delegate model for it. To test the feasibility of the pattern, let’s take Invoice module. This module can have variety of sub-modules, like add, get, set, list, update, delete, save etc. For now let’s implement “Save” method
Step 3
Create a file IInvoice.cs in common folder
namespace Sample.common
public interface IInvoice
int Save();
Step 4
Create a file Invoice.cs in service folder with the following contents
Using Sample.common;
public class Invoice : IInvoice
public Invoice()
public int Save()
return 0;
Step 5
Save this file as ServiceLocator.cs in delegate directory
Using Sample.common;
Using Sample.service;
namespace Sample.delegates
public class ServiceLocator
public ServiceLocator()
public IInvoice getInvoice()
return new Invoice();
Step 6
Save the following contents as BusinessDelegate.cs in the directory business
Using Sample.delegate;
public class BusinessDelegate
private ServiceLocator sLocator;
public BusinessDelegate()
sLocator = new ServiceLocator();
//you can have a cutom name for this function
public int Save()
return sLocator.getInvoice().Save();
Step 7
You are all set to use this from your view
Public button_save_click(object sender, EventArgs e)
BusinessDelegate bDelegate = new BusinessDelegate();
If you wish to add additional functionalities like add, list…then you add them to you IInvoice interface, and Invoice class. Create a new method for invocation in BusinessDelegate and ServiceLocator class
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